Hearts Connect

Apprentice Program

KI in TX

Oh my gosh, our session yesterday was quite an epic eye-opener for me. I had a huge amount of self-doubt and yet because of who you are and your encouragement and guidance, I was able to successfully quiet that part of my brain and proceed with the task at hand. You are absolutely right in acknowledging that it is the love in our hearts that connects us all, and I'm so thankful to be working with a teacher with such a big and loving heart! Everything flows so easily between us and it is such a joy to work with you.

I had to listen to yesterday's session again because I was rather incredulous of all that transpired! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work with you; it's like my dream is slowly coming true! Truthfully, my most heartfelt wish since I was a teen was to be able to have a job that could uplift others by sharing my intuition with them. The skills gained in my apprenticeship with you will be an integral part of whatever it is I do in the future. Our work together has made me even more excited about my life and who I am and what I could possibly do...make my long-standing dream a reality somehow!!!! I'm launching my own boat of dreams into the ocean of life, now sustained with the knowledge that my boat will be guided by the currents of the Divine--leading me to that place where I can uplift the lives of others with my intuitive gifts.I just have to admire the way the Universe works.

Sending you infinite rivers of love,