2010: Travel Outside Of Time -- And To The Other Side

(This presentation appeals to mainstream audiences who might be new to a metaphysical perspective, the content serving as a bit of a primer).

Louise is a "time traveling" clairvoyant, intuitive spiritual counselor who views beyond the physical dimension where all time exists simultaneously. She shows how it's possible to change the past—and shift the present and future. She also gives evidence of the never-ending "continuum of consciousness," relaying messages from loved ones on the Other Side* and from the Higher Selves of physical beings not in attendance. (This type of telepathic exchange often includes communication with a loved one in a coma or suffering from an affliction such as stroke or Alzheimer's).

*(When pre-arranged by producers and program coordinators).

Banner Info:
Louise is the author of Beyond Boundaries, the Adventure of a Seer, Heart-Links and Fearless Future.
Visit Illuminations at: www.louisehauck.com