
Louise Hauck is an international speaker, visionary, and intuitive, whose presentations entertain audiences around the world. She has written Beyond Boundaries, The Adventures of a Seer—a collection of entertaining accounts of over twenty-five years of experiences as an intuitive counselor, Heart-Links, Connecting With Lost Loved Ones—heartfelt stories from those who have made the connection with the Other Side and tools for others to do so, and Fearless Future—A Map Through an Uncertain Present, and Streaming Consciousenss: A Current of Unity.

Louise Hauck is an international speaker, visionary, and intuitive, whose presentations entertain audiences around the world. She has written Beyond Boundaries, The Adventures of a Seer—a collection of entertaining accounts of over twenty-five years of experiences as an intuitive counselor, Heart-Links, Connecting With Lost Loved Ones—heartfelt stories from those who have made the connection with the Other Side and tools for others to do so, and Fearless Future—A Map Through an Uncertain Present, and Streaming Consciousenss: A Current of Unity.

Louise has had the gift of 'sight' from early childhood, with an ability to merge with another's consciousness and move pictures forwards and backwards through time. She has learned to use this ability in very specific ways that heal and expand people's lives. When she was four years old, she said to her mother, "When you go to heaven, we'll write letters." This was a precognitive sensing, that in addition to seeing beyond the illusion of linear time, she would be able to interpret for souls in the 'non-physical' dimension—to see beyond the illusion of death. On three occasions, Louise has been 'zapped' by the light, spontaneous experiences which caused her to experience this dimension without illusion or duality.

Illuminations serves the global spiritual community with a variety of programs and services that include Consultations with Louise: Personal Consultations (In Persons and 'phoners'), Group Consultations (Readings in the Round and teleconferenced TeleRIRs), Presentations, Lectures and Workshops. The occasional Saturday Questions is the opportunity for each attendee to ask Louise one question in an online video format. When offered, Monday Mini's is as a virtual (Skype) version of the 'minis' Louise conducts at the end of presentations when she's on the road.

The IAP (Illuminations Apprenticeship Program) provides a way for Louise help clients sharpen their own intuitive skills. She tutors clients who desire to go into deeper work, beyond their periodic consultations, in the ILC (Intuitive Life Coaching) program. Louise also conducts an online web-conferencing Intuition Advancement Series. This website provides access to: Louise's Books and Recordings (for downloading), Website Audio/Video Libraries, Webcast (interviews, meditations, lectures) Forum (discussion boards), and video/teleconferencing.