
M.B. in CT

Thanks, in part, to your influence in my life I often find myself involved with dynamic and extraordinary people. The intensive was certainly no exception. It feels almost as if I am constantly rubbing elbows with the cream of the crop, so the high quality of the participants was no surprise.

I originally had no intention of participating in the Intensive since I had no desire to become an apprentice. But there were many synchronicities that led me to participate and my experiences at this seminar actually have me reevaluating this position. There may be some way yet of integrating this into my life.

Regardless of my professional intentions this experience served to heighten my spiritual awareness, raise my antenna higher, further access my higher consciousness, and connect with some people who share my spirituality. That last one alone—just being able to interface on the same spiritual wavelength, the way churchgoers would—was a profound experience.

J.C. in NY

I would like to thank you for being the "enlightened" catalyst which guided and supported the development of our group. Through your heart felt commitment, you invited a group of multi-sensory strangers into your home and life. You generously shared your insight and wisdom with us, then patiently guided us towards the creation of a common vision - Namaste!

What I found most meaningful about this first "Pre-Pro Intensive" was observing a group of like minded strangers develop into a sensitive and respectful team of light workers. Through sharing our personal stories of life changing events we instinctively nurtured and encouraged each member of the group to share her or his unique gifts and talents.....and the universe was pleased as s/he gifted us all with double rainbows at dinner on our final night together. A memory I will always cherish!

M.S. in CT

Louise put together a great group which made for a very magical experience. I am so glad that I was included and look forward to getting together again with she same enthrusiastic group! We will definitely hep each other spread Light!

T.W. in Seattle

When I think of my experience at Louise's I have an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. It was so refreshing to be surrounded by others who are in the light and want to bring others to the light in their own individual ways. I discovered so much about myself through the rest of the group, and will be forever grateful for the support I received, knowing that this feeling will never end, but will always surround me. I look forward to continuing this work with the group and to use my tools to help others.

MN in CT

I've had four wonderful sessions with you in Connecticut. I continue to be amazed at the number of things that you predicted actually happening. So often I reflect and think, "This is what Louise was talking about. It is truly phenomenal." I replay the taped consultations periodically and am always able to re-connect or identify with a new happening. You were right when you said the tapes were like a Hallmark card—the gift that keeps on giving.

LM in CT

You read me while in Old Saybrook about a week ago. You left me with much wonder about where I have been, but more important, where I am NOW. I felt your warmth the minute I entered, and I also sensed your sincerity. That day left me with many, many questions about myself and my past. The future is just that: the future. Anyway, thank you so much for your reading.

C.D. in Olympia, WA

I had the wonderful privilege of attending an RIR session with Louise in the spring of 2003 in Olympia, Washington.

At this meeting, two aunts let themselves be known to me which totally put me into shock. I was a skeptic! Open minded, but skeptical just the same.

Louise also saw, "A LOT of orange and LOT of water." At the time, I just could not imagine what that was all about. Some three months later my husband and I bought a condo at the ocean—with orange carpeting throughout the two-bedroom unit. The idea of having a home of my own meant a lot to me and at the time, but I had no idea that would actually come about.

I am SO interested in knowing where/when Louise may be in this area again. I would certainly love to do this again!

K.F. in Seattle

I want to thank you for your wonderful presentation at Seattle's Discover U class, this evening. You are phenomenal! I am ever so grateful for the opportunity to see you in such a small, informal and personal setting. It's amazing, really, when one thinks that others pay huge sums of money, go very long distances and sit in audiences with hundreds of other people in order to attend the seminars and lectures of other spiritual teachers. May your future travels bring you back to Seattle. I will check your website for your future scheduled events. I'm off to bed now, but I'll probably not sleep 'til I've read both of your books! Bless you.

M.B. in Seattle

Thank you so much for coming to the Women's Convention. It was truly a joy to meet you. You have tremendous insite. But what I thought was most beautiful was the contentment on your face. It shows. You are a lovely woman. I hope to meet you again soon to listen and to learn.

S.C. in Seattle

Witnessing your powerful and humerous presentation, I feel that your gifts surpass Edward, Van Praaugh, Rosemary Altea, George Anderson and so many others who share God's gifts. Your words of the past, present and future fly toward the audience with confidence and truth. You are not ego driven. I believe in you. You have quelled my cynicism, so that I can help others.

D.H. in Chicago

My wife and I saw you a couple of months back at Transitions book store in Chicago. We were both very impressed and deeply moved by your talk. We bought both of your books and read them on vacation over Thanksgiving. Very impressive. We have recently lost some very dear friends because of cancer and you simply made things alot easier to accept. Death simply is not the end.

NT in London

I was so happy to get an e-mail sent from your team with your latest whereabouts. When you came to London about two years ago, I had an consultation with you that proved to reach deeper into the unknown than I had expected, as well as explaining why I am the person I am.

I left you feeling empowered and proud. Many times I have thought how nice it would be to see you again. So please let me know your plans as in coming to London and doing sittings. I'd love to come and learn more about myself in the past, present and future.

A.P. in NY

I don't know if some of your other apprentices report this but I actually continue to work with you even between our sessions because of the impact and subtle power of what we are accomplishing together. There were aspects of myself that were puzzling that are now much more clear. The way that I experienced this was almost as if I am now able to shift into and out of various states of viewing scenes in my life from new perspectives that you've helped me to reach in our sessions.

Sometimes it is astonishing how well you can communicate with that part of me that has been 'shut up' or shut in so long ago. This awareness doesn't make me more perceptive, but it allows possibilities to unfold. I am so grateful to you for this because it's been quite a battle for me to remain balanced and strong in the face of so much negativity. You have to be one of the wisest people person's on the planet!

One more thing, Louise. I also appreciate your respect for every human being that gives me back a more level headed, less ego-inflated view of myself, an ongoing challenge for me. It has been big leap forward for me to bring my heart into better alignment with my intentions. You have definitely helped me become clearer on this. Unlike anyone else with whom I have ever worked, your interactions, comments, reframing, and view from the higher self has given me more tools in which to understand, appreciate and love.

I certainly appreciate working with you.

DF in CA

You might not remember me, but we had a consultation in Sacramento in January, 2001. The reason I sought your help at that time was due largely to the fact that I was having a most difficult time dealing with grief—my fiancee who had tragically died in February 2000.

I will never forget our consultation and I will never forget your amazing presence and compassion. Just today, I thought about you, and as such, accessed your website. I read your messages [on the account of the NYC Disaster] that you posted and was moved when your 'higher self' hugged the woman's 'higher self' you were sitting next to at Radio City Hall.

Wherever you are I want you to know that my 'higher self' is sending yours many warm hugs. Thank you for the service you provide others and may your year be filled with wonderful experiences.

T.W. in VA

The IAP Intensive training was the best practical training I have received in this work. We were given tasks and exercises that not only focused our abilities, no matter in what format those abilities presented themselves, but also created an incredible sense of unity within the group that allowed us to quickly form a working cohort of talent. We were able to work with each other to strengthen what existed when we arrived and then transcend our expectations for what we could accomplish. Thank you, Louise, for a truly amazing and mind-expanding experience!

I also want to thank you for putting this all together and being so committed to your Service Work Louise!! You're unique "way" and style is enlightening, yet humble; compassionate, yet honest; inspiring, yet grounded. And its so very relieving to see that this style is recognized, appreciated, and taught to others so that it may go forth into the world and proliferate!!

L.P. in Sacramento, CA

Last December 2000, I heard you on a talk show. I wrote down the number and immediately called Jan. I was the 10th person for an RIR at the Executive Suites in Sacramento. I was so excited, more than I have been in years. You gave me valuable insights about my daughter, Jaeme (4 at the time), and other fun and amazing information that has given me much to think about. I'm so glad that I attended.

A.C. in London

I heard your lecture at the Mind, Body, Spirit in London. It was a wonderful example of 'inspiration without bunkham.' In the UK there is a tendency for people to be 'away playing with the fairies' rather than empowering people to be able to 'go for the gold.' I compliment you on your grasp of realism and your obvious love of people. For a few short hours, on a beautiful sunny day you provided a space for people to be who they wanted to be. A real breath of fresh air...

NS in FL

Oh my gosh, I am listening to old tapes with Louise doing readings for me
and I am blown awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy............................. I can't
believe the things she is saying and that she knew about! It is so amazing
that I am totally spellbound. Some of the things Louise mentioned I couldn't place nine years ago but do now!

NT in London

When you came to London about two years ago I had a consultation with you that proved to reach deeper into the unknown than I had expected as well as explaining why I am the person I am, I left you feeling empowered and proud.

RL in Egypt

I just want to say thanks again for my last consultation (1997?) where you saw my lovely child who is indeed an "international" child—she is Italian (like her dad), American (like me), goes to the nursery in Egypt (where we now live) with toddlers from all over. And she is a wonderful child! I am thankful for her every day!

I have also listened to our session tape over the years and now understand more of some things that I didn't understand before. It's a thing of wonder. I also realize that people sometimes call me "Roberta"—a slip of the tongue, or is it?! You mentioned my name from a former French life as Robert—however, that is spelled in French. Now when people call me that, I always think of your story—especially because you recall that I was content and happy at the time!

All the best and by the way, thank you for writing about the WTC. We were here only 3 weeks at the time and felt so disconnected, nervous, and alone, and horrified like the rest of the world. Your accounts allow me to think of the souls and not of the bodies.

SM in CO

I've been studying all this probably for many lifetimes and am very much "awake" in this lifetime. I first saw Spirit (hundreds of Angels) when I was about 7 years old, so this is definitely my "path" and I've worked with and communicated with Spirit, not only from planet Earth, many times during this lifetime. I just happen to like Louise's "style" and "tone" and how she conveys her messages. I rarely go for readings anymore as I am so selective in choosing only those who really interest me, but again, I like Louise's style and definitely felt comfortable with her energy when I heard her voice.

[Later]...Please let Louise know Dad made his tranisition this morning. When she did my reading a few weeks ago on the phone she tuned into Dad but saw him on the Other Side as she spoke with him. She said he would not be hanging around long. He came to me in the dream state this a.m. just before I woke up and hugged me tightly and told me how very much he loved me but that he had to go on "home" now. I sat straight up in bed and there was an amazing warm glow all around me. It was a wonderful goodbye.