Angel Stories

Louise has collected a wonderful assortment of angel stories originating from clients' consultations — and those shared by clients —  all that confirm specific moment of angelic intervention. Messengers from the angelic realm are so ever-present,  so accessible and eager to assist in our lives!

Angels Monitoring the Perimeter

Carl's mother contacted me for periodic phone consultations with her son during his prison incarceration. He was serving seven years for two counts of a DUI causing death, the incident in question having occurred when he was in college. I followed the prescribed protocol and would wait for the call come in. The pre-recorded announcement was the same each time  — the call was originating from a prison; it would be monitored; it would disconnect in 20 minute intervals, and then I’d get another callback.

Subway Angels

I was touched by this email from a Coast to Coast listener. She heard me talk about 'entraining' others onto a higher vibrational frequency — especially on planes and trains!

Shepherding Angels

So interesting, that yesterday Jaene (my project manager) alerted me to the item I posted on my Facebook(link is external) page, the photo of a crash victim’s spirit leaving the body. Fifteen years ago, she and I stood together on our rooftop in Manhattan the morning of 9/11, and watched with horror from several blocks away as WTC2 fell.

'Angels We Have Heard On High!'

Find out how Louise enlists the angels when she needs a 'cosmic wink' in the latest eNewsletter(link is external)!

Calling all Angels!

Last night, I was driving home from getting a few fixings for Christmas dinner. It was a cold, clear night, the town glistening and fresh from an afternoon shower. As I came around a curve, I caught a magnificent view of the city's lights, colorfully staged for the holidays.

Angels on Call

Years ago, I read the account of an angel sighting written by a mother whose son was dying from terminal cancer. She’d entered his hospital room, only to find his bed empty. As she stepped back out into the corridor, she saw him walking slowly towards her, pulling along his IV cart behind him.

Do You See The Angels?

Hi, Louise. I want to tell you about an experience that (husband) Greg and I had this afternoon. I've mentioned to you, that I was caring for a stone from the World Trade tragedy, and about the episode involving the fire engines.

Angels — and HO HO HO!(link is external)

Messengers from the Angelic Realm show up in consultations regularly, their presence signaled with a ‘flick" — appearing as though someone’s lit a match.