

Metaphysical Arrogance

Years ago, I learned a valuable lesson that added to my spiritual maturity. As is often the case, my most excellent teachings and insights come from the information I receive for clients in their consultations. 

I was consulting for the mother of a two-year-old. She was grieving the loss of that son, who had recently perished from drinking from a can of kerosene he discovered in the garage. 



The holidays are always a time for reflection, and the older I get, the more there is to reflect upon. A surge of emotions arises when I think back on past Christmases, moments spent with family and friends—many of whom have passed, while others are facing significant challenges. I reminisce about better times when the world didn't feel so chaotic and unkind. 


I remember reading somewhere in Eckhart Tolle’s 'A New Earth' (and I'm paraphrasing)) "When we define ourselves by our beliefs, the psyche feels it's being annihilated when it encounters an opposing belief!" Isn't that how folks are REACTing these days in such desperate, divisive, and mean-spirited ways?

Mindful of this, I remember a life-changing maneuver I employed years ago while getting ready to attend a dinner party. I was well-acquainted with the host and knew him to be exceedingly vocal about is religious and political beliefs.


Working with a client the other day, I picked up on a collection of troubling thoughts still bouncing around in his consciousness from the past..." around 7-8 years ago," I reported. "Yes," he replied, "it's shame ~ I carry those thoughts from being misjudged at a job around that time, an incident I was blamed for—it wasn't my fault! My employer threw me under the bus!"

However, he said the incident DID convince him he could trust himself—which has been empowering—but he still felt the shame and embarrassment carried from that time.

Illuminisms Video

I often refer to this in's a great example of how determined clients can be when trying to nail down FUTURE tidbits I share when I 'merge' and go beyond time!

Presentations Audio

Louise was invited back to present to this spiritually awakened community at The Celebration(link is external) Spiritual Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Her topic: "The Future Ain't What It Used To Be!'


Here come the holidays ~ and here's the 2024 Holiday eNewsletter(link is external), 'Being a Light!'


"It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness." 


Every year on 9/11, I post my personal account from watching the horrific event from my rooftop in NYC. It's hard to believe it occurred 23 years ago on the most beautiful, crystal-clear morning; the blue sky soon clouded with unimaginable smoke and debris.

Seeing the Twin Towers out my window each morning sort of anchored my day, like tent posts. Solid, sturdy, dependable.

I'm grateful to know there's always a bigger picture unfolding, choreographed by a Force much greater and wiser than me, intending to teach humanity better ways to be in this physical experience.

Presentations Audio

Louise was pleased to present to this spiritually awakened community at The Celebration(link is external) Spiritual Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Her topic: "How to Let Your Spirit Lead the Way."

Press Kit

These times present new challenges for folks seeking ways to overcome personal obstacles, isolation, and fears concerning their world, the planet, and the future. Louise demonstrates to audiences how it’s possible to ‘Dance with the Universe’ by creating space for Higher Energies to intervene. 


Whenever news surfaces about those who are passionate about solving the mystery of Amelia's last flight, I'm reminded of a session I conducted years ago with a client who was determined to find the answer!

Here's the account of that consultation and what was revealed when I merged with Amelia's timeless consciousness. It was fun for me because my client was able to place most of the seemingly abstract impressions I received!


A while ago, I posted a fun story a long-time client shared with me, one that occurred shortly after the passing of her beloved, sight-impaired pup. Quite unexpectedly and serendipitously, when attending a memorial service and staying in her hotel room, she found a packet of complimentary coffee labeled 'Blind Dog' with a picture resembling her dog.


Catch the latest Illuminations eNewsletter(link is external) and learn 'How to Manifest Your Best 2024!'


The ideas in this eNewsletter(link is external) will open your heart during the holidays ~ and for all the days ahead!


This was the view out my window in NYC on a snowy day a few months after 9/11. I used to look out and see the Twin Towers in the distance. They sort of anchored me in my day.  Here's the account I post every year.



A few clients have asked if I'm still conducting consultations, since they haven't seen future travel itineraries posted on the Schedule. YES ~ I'm still in business, working exclusively over the phone (and occasionally over Skype or Zoom for international clients). Travel has become prohibitive for various reasons, and many venues where I'd present or be interviewed have closed or are continuing online.


It's never too late to find love...when you go back to where you once felt it! Here's how — in the latest eNewsletter(link is external)


Occasionally, clients tell me that some information I receive and the words I use to interpret are precisely the same as those I’ve used in the past — even a few years before! I’m always surprised to hear this. All I can say is — “I guess it’s just what’s there!” 


I remember reading somewhere in Eckhart Tolle’s, 'A New Earth' (and I'm paraphrasing)) that "when we define ourselves by our beliefs, the psyche feels it's being annihilated when it encounters an opposing belief!" Isn't that how folks are REACTing these days, in such desperate, divisive, and mean-spirited ways?

Mindful of this, I remember a life-changing maneuver I employed years ago while getting ready to attend a dinner party. I was well-acquainted with the host and knew him to be exceedingly vocal about is religious and political beliefs.