Tri-pic of Louise's TV interviews


Audio 33
Image 117
Video 35

Louise has been interviewed by a variety of interesting radio and TV venues. Listen to a sample on the audio or video pages and on her YouTube(link is external) Channel. You'll find some fascinating photos in the photo gallery. (Don't forget to check out "Tinkerbell" in the "Wondrous Things" section). And there is plenty of promo material available in the press kit. It contains information often requested by presentation coordinators, media interviewers, producers, publishers and various public relations personnel.


Illuminisms Video

I often refer to this in's a great example of how determined clients can be when trying to nail down FUTURE tidbits I share when I 'merge' and go beyond time!

Presentations Audio

Louise was invited back to present to this spiritually awakened community at The Celebration(link is external) Spiritual Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Her topic: "The Future Ain't What It Used To Be!'

Presentations Audio

Louise was pleased to present to this spiritually awakened community at The Celebration(link is external) Spiritual Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Her topic: "How to Let Your Spirit Lead the Way."

Interviews Audio
Arielle and Lavendar do a great job ~ Lavendar always asks relevant and provocative questions. A favorite venue.
Illuminisms Video

Louise shares special moments when humor has elevated others — and herself!

Illuminisms Video

Yogi Berra, the celebrated catcher for the Yankees and famous for his 'Berra-isms' had it right! The future CAN be different — and far better! 

Illuminisms Video

This is a follow-up to the previous Illuminism: 'How To Be A Perfect Parent' — Louise also addresses the difference between expectation vs anticipation.

Illuminisms Video

What I tell parents who lament that they''re not perfect parents...

Illuminisms Video

We often return to experience a new version of an old theme we're here to revisit and gain new truths!

Illuminisms Video

It's always a pleasure to interpret telepathically with the Higher Self of those who are unable to communicate verbally, and some need a little encouragement in facing forward toward their next adventure.

Illuminisms Video

Ever wonder what truly moves you forward, the nudge that circumvents a brainy idea?

Illuminisms Video

We can only truly help others when we've walked in those shoes that allow us to relate to what another is experiencing.

Illuminisms Video

Sometimes life just doesn't (seem to ) deliver. It sucks! Louise shares some ideas about how to turn things around.

Illuminisms Video

When you think you ought to do the 'right thing' — but you're really not feeling it...

Illuminisms Video

The Universe is always listening!

Illuminisms Video

Watch the first 'Illuminism' on Louise's YouTube Channel(link is external). Subscribers will be notified each time she adds a new one.

Interviews Audio

It was a fun discussing "I'm Still In Here!" with Roberta, relating my telepathic experiences and interpreting for client's loved ones in the nonphysical to her book, Flying High In Spirit which she co-authored. 

Wondrous Things Image

'Tinkerbell' was photographed by client/coordinator Katherine (Inky) Hvistendahl, sometime around 1993. She is one who definitely has the eyes (and belief) to see such wonders.

Travel Video

Lousie was on the road again, conduting fun 'RIR's and meeting wonderful new people and clients!

Children born remembering Image

Here's another child who remembered meeting Louise before he was born! He tried to go home with her that night.