
Louise talks about her intuitive gifts, and how she's learned to use them. This is Louise's original Introduction (in Two Parts). New clients are encouraged to listen to this recording.

Louise continues with her 'Intro' recording by addressing our multi-dimensional nature....

Louise was invited back to present to this spiritually awakened community at The Celebration(link is external) Spiritual Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Her topic: "The Future Ain't What It Used To Be!'


Louise always enjoys speaking to this breakfast group of very savvy, early risers. This talk took place shortly after Hurricane Katrina.


Louise continues with her Inside Edge 2005 presentation. (This talk took place shortly after Hurricane Katrina, the year Fearless Future was published).


Interviewing with Lisa Garr is always a very engaging radio host on her "Aware" show. Listen to this lively discussion from August, 2005.


Louise was pleased to present to this spiritually awakened community at The Celebration(link is external) Spiritual Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Her topic: "How to Let Your Spirit Lead the Way."


Listen to Louise's interview with a gal in Tsfat, Israel, a mystical mountain community located a couple of hours north of Jerusalem. The woman has assisted a Tsadik (wise man) there and offers insightful observations re. Louise's work and Judaic perspective.

Louise explores what is means to be multi-sensory—the way she believes that our species is meant to shift this lifetime! She shares some enlightening ideas from the front lines of this current acceleration and expansion of consciousness.


Valuable tools to help you embrace inhibiting fears and move through old barriers. Release yourself from past patterns to allow you to live life more spontaneously and more fully in the present. Includes a meditation.


Louise enjoyed her guest interview with Dan Morro on his new show, "Dark Harvest" — a timely title as we're about to head into Fall! Dan's energy is fresh, and Louise found his questions to be wonderfully inquisitive, opening up the discussion to a number of fun and interesting topics!


Host Haines Ely asks Louise about the times ahead...


Louise talks about hopping onto Streaming Consciousness with an apprentice and her non-physical (past) client. Later on, a caller asks a provocative question about "the dark..."

Heaven is really not a place. It's a state of consciousness, familiar to our "non-physical" selves. Louise explores the illusion of death and the "continuum of consciousness" in this informative broadcast.


It was a fun discussing "I'm Still In Here!" with Roberta, relating my telepathic experiences and interpreting for client's loved ones in the nonphysical to her book, Flying High In Spirit which she co-authored. 


Haines Ely is one of my most favorite interviewers. He hosts the "Earth Mysteries" KMVR-FM radio show in Nevada City, CA. Today he invited me to join in a meaningful discussion with Lori Whittiker about grieving and loss. I come in around 22:23, responding to some very good points that Lori has made about purposeful grieving being "the extension of love."

How do we stay out of fear—and live fearlessly—particularly in the face of startling events in our world? This was the topic of Louise's broadcast where she shared some empowering ideas.


Listen in on the fun chat Louise had with with host Sue Tribolini on her wonderful new radio show as they discuss Louise's work and the fun she has with her apprentices!


Louise really enjoyed this interview with "Rev Kev." What a multi-dimensional guy! Listen to how his non-physical parishioner coached him re. her own memorial service!


It was refreshing — an interview without commercials! The host(esses)are sweet and savvy gals!

Arielle and Lavendar do a great job ~ Lavendar always asks relevant and provocative questions. A favorite venue.

Louise talks about owning your place in the Universe as the highly intuitive being that you're here to be. To consciously "occupy your space" elevates you to a higher frequency, but when you "vacate the premises"—you'll find yourself at a lower "vibe" (literally!) Your reality—and who/what you attract—depends upon whatever frequency you tend to oscillate.


Louise explores the illusion of time with functional applications to help you go beyond old perceptions. This will influence how and when good things come into your life and help you end time-stress. Includes a meditation to help you integrate these concepts.


Louise will guide you through this journey to help you receive the gifts and illuminate the path you'll travel into the times ahead.