Intuitive Life Coaching

Louise offers the ILC program for clients who desire to create goals for a more positive future. This often includes deeper exploration into issues and repeating patterns that have been identified in an initial consultation. Clients meet with Louise over the phone in 5 weekly sessions for this intuitive coaching. The benefits are particularly valuable in today's world, given the magnification of issues surfacing for necessary healing. Emotionally charged triggers exist within all of us. They are wired to memories of unresolved matters: resentments, hurts, fears, unmet needs, rejection—you name it.

The sessions include an initial intuitive 'scan' to identify the issues and stumbling blocks that appear to be diverting energy in less-than-joyous directions. Next, Louise works with clients to redirect their focus onto a path that leads to the most expansive, exciting possible future. The process is often enhanced by Louise's ability to 'time travel' to the past, as well as to the future.

Once Louise views a particular incident, event or reoccurring pattern in the past, she assists the client in re-framing it. This is a metaphysical device that shifts reality—sometimes, instantaneously. Finally, Louise travels to the future to access a moment, one that gives evidence of the shift that she and her client have initiated in the past. She encourages the client to embrace the emotions emanating from that future moment, thereby integrating those positive effects into the present. This process changes lives.

Louise also shows clients how to raise their vibration by observing thoughts and feelings that tend to pull them out of the present and plummet them down to the 'basement'—where the Source can't find them to respond to their prayers. Together, they practice turning this 'switch' off and on. Louise also utilizes the principles of behavior modification to more thoroughly integrate this new direction into their daily lives.

The cost for the ILC Program is $600 for the 5 sessions for an approximate 1-hour duration. Each weekly session is recorded and sent electronically, usually by the end of the same day.

Please contact Illuminations for more information regarding the ILC Program, or email us at opens new email) )