
An Essay: Metaphysical Arrogance

Metaphysical Arrogance

Years ago, I learned a valuable lesson that added to my spiritual maturity. As is often the case, my most excellent teachings and insights come from the information I receive for clients in their consultations. 

I was consulting for the mother of a two-year-old. She was grieving the loss of that son, who had recently perished from drinking from a can of kerosene he discovered in the garage. 

Holiday Emotions


The holidays are always a time for reflection, and the older I get, the more there is to reflect upon. A surge of emotions arises when I think back on past Christmases, moments spent with family and friends—many of whom have passed, while others are facing significant challenges. I reminisce about better times when the world didn't feel so chaotic and unkind. 

The Future Always Unfolds in Unexpected Ways

A while ago, I posted a fun story a long-time client shared with me, one that occurred shortly after the passing of her beloved, sight-impaired pup. Quite unexpectedly and serendipitously, when attending a memorial service and staying in her hotel room, she found a packet of complimentary coffee labeled 'Blind Dog' with a picture resembling her dog.

Remembering 9/11

This was the view out my window in NYC on a snowy day a few months after 9/11. I used to look out and see the Twin Towers in the distance. They sort of anchored me in my day.  Here's the account I post every year.


"It's just what's there!"

Occasionally, clients tell me that some information I receive and the words I use to interpret are precisely the same as those I’ve used in the past — even a few years before! I’m always surprised to hear this. All I can say is — “I guess it’s just what’s there!” 

Thoughts and Beliefs

I remember reading somewhere in Eckhart Tolle’s, 'A New Earth' (and I'm paraphrasing)) that "when we define ourselves by our beliefs, the psyche feels it's being annihilated when it encounters an opposing belief!" Isn't that how folks are REACTing these days, in such desperate, divisive, and mean-spirited ways?

Mindful of this, I remember a life-changing maneuver I employed years ago while getting ready to attend a dinner party. I was well-acquainted with the host and knew him to be exceedingly vocal about is religious and political beliefs.

More About My 2022 Holiday Trip to Israel...

I greatly anticipated the holiday season, looking forward to traveling to Israel to visit (and hug) my daughter and nine grandchildren (oh yes!) — all of whom I hadn't seen in over seven years —  and the five great ’grans I’d yet to meet.