
Books by Louise Hauck

I'm Still In Here — Intuitive Assistance for Caregivers Tending to Those Who Can't Communicate

For over thirty years in her work as an intuitive spiritual counselor, Louise Hauck has routinely interpreted (telepathically) the thoughts of clients' loved ones in the 'non-physical,' as well as those in the physical whose lives are sustained on life-support or in a coma. The remarkable accessibility of nonlocal consciousness enables her to communicate with those souls on a level unaffected by the restrictions and limitations of the physical self, and in some cases, the brain's diminished capacity.

More recently, Louise has been utilizing this Higher-Self communication to reach those suffering the effects of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, autism, and stroke.

Streaming Consciousness: A Current of Unity

Now available on Amazon(link is external) in hard copy AND Kindle version

Louise Hauck takes us in an enlightening new direction, building upon the concepts of Louise’s previous books which invite us to share in her experiences as a seer (Beyond Boundaries), communicate with loved ones in the nonphysical (Heart-Links), and open up to the nature of our own timeless and non-local Greater selves (Fearless Future). All of these concepts merge to direct each one of us toward our own unique multidimensional gifts in Streaming Consciousness.

Fearless Future—A Map Through an Uncertain Present

Louise Hauck guides you across a bridge that joins the worlds of physical and non-physical reality. Through her work as an international speaker and intuitive, she takes readers and clients to a loving place within themselves, where the timeless soul resides—a place beyond the illusion of time and death. Her insightful guidance minimizes the fear that inhibits and constricts today's world. Louise cautions that decisions and choices made in fear are neither wise nor divinely inspired.


The veil that separates the physical and nonphysical dimensions is coming down. Departed should actively participate in our lives, and learning to recognize their presence and receive their messages can radically change our consciousness and our concepts of time and death. In this riveting and insightful collection of first-person accounts, internationally known medium and spiritual counselor Louise Hauck shows how more and more people are learning to tap into this loving line of communication.

Beyond Boundaries, The Adventures of a Seer

It came time to write the stories. They accumulated over a period of several years from Louise's adventures as a clairvoyant spiritual counselor. They had taught, enlightened, and fascinated her. As a seer who views timeless, spaceless dimensions, seeing beyond the boundaries of this physical world and it's reflections back again, life was beginning to make sense.