Group Consultations ('Readings in the Round')

In-Person Group Consultations provide an intimate (approx) 2 1/2-hour exchange between Louise and 8 participants. She begins with a brief orientation, detailing the categories into which she will sort and deliver specific information to each participant, all the while beginning her 'tuning-in' process. These groups become fun and entertaining exchanges, each participant learning from much that is given to others in the group, as well as from their own, targeted information.

You can watch Louise conducting a few 'RIR's in a recent travel trailer(link is external).

Skype or Zoom Group Consultations are a bit more 'cut to the chase' in tempo. Louise virtually stands before a virtual semi-circle of 6-8 participants who come together online over Skype(link is external)

This is usually a smaller gathering, given the level of concentration necessary for Louise to work remotely.  Similar to the way in which Louise conducts phone consultations with clients around the world, the quality and accuracy of information is in no way diminished when compared to the 'In Person'  setting. Given the smaller number of guests—as well as reduced time for formalities involved in coming together in a physical setting—these sessions generally run 1 hour 15 min.

Louise's intuitive counseling style involves working with individuals to help them process issues as they naturally arise in the session. As she works with each participant, she views and re-positions them in the past, re-frames the present, then 'pulls a thread'  to the future to relay the probable, positive future outcome resulting from those shifts.

As part of every Group Consultation experience, Louise also uses her clairvoyant abilities to view and interpret for loved ones, beyond the illusion of time and death. Participants are able to expand their understanding through this glimpse into the non-physical dimension, the realm where love resides. The Heart-Link is the special connection to our lost loved ones that is never-ending. Compassion, forgiveness, reassurance, confirmation and trust are all part of what Louise relays when  she straddles the two dimensions of the physical and non-physical. Participants report this to be a very rich and moving experience. Transformation of old patterns, healing and joy are the result.

Louise always uses discretion concerning sensitive issues that may arise. Because this is a casual group setting, it is difficult to assess the amount of time which is relevant for each person, as she spontaneously moves her focus from one person to another, making every effort to give all that she receives. She asks that those who attend agree to support a courteous, confidential and compassionate environment for all participants.

To Host a Group Consultation: Contact Illuminations(link opens new email) when you've set a date with Louise and have all your friends on board.

The host/hostess is responsible for:

  • Enlisting participants
  • Collecting non/ref $50 deposits from the seven others. It is often simplest to put through the total amt for the group in a single payment at (amt in the 'other' box)—and then collect reimbursement. The host/hostess always comes free, and when suitable accomodations are avaiable (vs a hotel stay), the residence hostess receives a free In Pers consultation with Louise.
  • Providing refreshments during a short break, following Louise's introduction and orientation.

Pricing: In-Person Group Consultations: Rates depend upon location and group size (max = 8 people + host/hostess @ $170 each (if Louise's airfare is required, otherwise $150 each) *if smaller group is preferred, participants split the difference; add'l cost for travel and lodging if Louise isn't scheduled to be traveling to your area).

[Occasionally 'RIR's form without a coordinator (the one who usually hosts, collects payments, etc.) When separate individuals — rather than a group of friends or acquaintances — come together, participants may sign up directly through the payment page. Those payments are not processed and confirmed (via forwarded email receipt) until the total number of 6-8 participant is reached.]

Skype or Zoom Group Consultation: 6-8 participants @ $90 each. *Arrangements for preferred smaller groups pertain.

Please contact lluminations(link opens new email) for more information regarding Group Consultations.

Here's a sample 'RIR' invite used by some hosts/hostesses:

Dear Friend,

You're invited to join me at my home at... on the afternoon/evening of .... for 'Readings in the Round!"Led by Louise Hauck, an 'intuitive spiritual counselor,' it's a fun way to introduce your friends and family to a metaphysical way of seeing things, and through Louise's unique intuitive approach, connecting with loved ones who have passed on. You'll get a new spiritual perspective that will enable you to support each other in fresh and empowering ways, shift your perceptions, and elevate emotions. Sharing wondrous synchronicities and cosmic giggles becomes a new way to help create miracles!

Seating is limited to 8 people, so please RSVP right away by replying to this message or call....The cost to attend is $170 per person [if Louise's airfare and hotel stay is required, otherwise $150], and there is a non-refundable deposit of $50. To make your deposit or pay in full, go to, and select 'Group Consultations,' the sixth option down. You may also pay your balance by check at the gathering.

My house is located at .... Parking is available on ... Light appetizers [and beverages (wine or tea, etc) ] will be served. For more information about Louise, feel free to visit

We hope you can attend!
