Monday Minis

The mini readings Louise conducts at the end of her presentations are alway a big hit. When it’s time for her to move into the audience and start ‘tuning-in,’ she’ll often hear throughout the audience (telepathically) — DO ME! DO ME! Folks love receiving Louise’s intuitive impressions when she does the mini readings. The 'Monday Mini' is a virtual, online version of those spot readings.

In general, Louise's guides have been encouraging her to make herself more available remotely for the continued awakening of spiritual warriors. Things are starting to speed up and many, many souls are participating in today's expansion in consciousness. There is much to convey (and confirm) for individuals about their personal journeys and all the new directions in which they're headed!

Louise runs Monday Mini readings periodically to establish an open, weekly gathering for anyone who wants to jump in.

When announced, Louise makes herself available in Skype (or Zoom) for any who show up. A notice will be posted on her Facebook(link is external) page a day before (and the day of) a scheduled Monday Mini. It may also be announced in a recent eNewsletter.

What is 'Monday Minis'?

A Monday evening of 'tuning-in.' It's a virtual version of Louise's audience minis.

Cost: $20

Who gets to come — and how does it work?

To assure your greatest chance of being one of the six participants for a session:

BEFORE you sign in:

  • Set up an account with PayPal(link is external), or check to be sure your current account is up to date with your desired current payment method. Have your account open and ready, in case you're one of the first 6 — so you won't have to take time to retrieve (or change) your password.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of Skype(link is external) downloaded and installed on your device, with connectivity and audio/video tested. Practice with a friend! (Skype group video chats are not yet available on cellphone or tablet devices.)

SIGN IN — In the past, Monday Minis have been scheduled for 4:00pm/Pacific (start time 4:30pm) for the convenience of 'east-coasters,' and at 6:30pm/Pacific (start time 7:00pm), first-come-first-served!

  • Log on to the Monday Mini Skype Space by inviting Louise ('Illuminatress') as a contact, or call via the video icon if she's already in your contact list. If you get a busy signal, try again. If you're still unable to join, the session may be full. Email Louise at opens new email) if you want to make sure. (She'll check email before each start time.)
  • One at a time, you will be invited to click on the link to PayPal, found in the chat box at the right-hand side of your Skype window. This is where you'll make your PayPal $20 payment to
    Once your payment shows up in PayPal, you'll be invited in at the start time. (Louise will instant message you in Skype. To open that option: go to 'Conversations' > Instant Message.) When the first six have been processed, the group will close.
  • Return to the Monday Minis Skype Space and wait for the session to begin.

If you have logged on to the Monday Mini Skype Space and found that there is no link to PayPal, but rather an announcement that registration is now closed, you were not one of the first six to pre-register. Please try again next week!

Check back here to confirm meeting dates!

As with 'Saturday Questions’ and in-person audience minis, Louise tunes in and away you'll go! Answers will come — concerning something you’ve been trying to sort out, a decision that has you feeling ambivalent, or you'll receive a message from a loved one (or pet!) in the non-physical whom you may have been thinking about.

Louise looks forward to seeing you and your friends for the next round of 'Monday Minis'!