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ISBN: 157178-092-0

The veil that separates the physical and nonphysical dimensions is coming down. Departed should actively participate in our lives, and learning to recognize their presence and receive their messages can radically change our consciousness and our concepts of time and death. In this riveting and insightful collection of first-person accounts, internationally known medium and spiritual counselor Louise Hauck shows how more and more people are learning to tap into this loving line of communication.

Heart-Links: Inspiring Personal Stories That Explore Our Powerful Ability to Communicate with our Lost Loved Ones includes stories from those whose lives have been turned upside down by tragedy—the parents of a young man killed in the ValuJet crash and the wife of a man who died as a result of a bus bombing in Jerusalem—and those simply questioning the meaning of their own lives as they face the death of someone they hold dear. Cynic and seeker alike, for each of these individuals what had seemed to be overwhelming grief ultimately became an opportunity to change in unforeseen ways. And in each case, the lesson is one of indelibly linked hearts: the love and release we express to others at the time of their death and afterward is heard and helps them make a smooth transition. Likewise, their love and concern for us continues from beyond the physical plane. Heart-Links offers stories of forgiveness, continuing missions and soul agreements worked out between this world and the next.

Alongside these very personal examples, Louise offers specific instructions and exercises for making oneself more open to intuitive communication. By learning to change expectations as to how messages may arrive, pay attention to dreams and synchronicities, and trust our own innate ability to connect, we can begin to recognize messages, subtle or obvious, on our own—and to become truly multi-sensory beings.

Like its gifted author, Heart-Links glows with a life-transforming message of inspiration and comfort.