"What are your thoughts on 'sideways in time' and 'parallel timelines?'"
Louise, I have been interested in the concepts of simultaneous time, the psyche and multidimensional reality since the 70's. I do feel that the next big leap in mankind's awareness will be the understanding of the same. Beliefs, thoughts and emotions do greatly influence the realities we experience.
Anyway, I do have a couple of questions: What are your thoughts on sideways in time and parallel timelines? — RJ
"Feeling Like There's Something Big on the Horizon..."
Precognitive Dreams
Do precognitive dreams always come to pass?
Retreating to the Monastary
Louise, I recently looked into entering a monastery in Nova Scotia, but it's too cold up there, I couldn't take my dog, and I have to be a year younger than my age to be a resident. I do believe it's time to 'put on the robes' and search for where I should place myself to break this block I feel at my current location.
Living With Regrets
Can you actually change the past so that an event never happened?
Trying Not To Get Derailed From My Path!
Don't want to do anything stupid...
I have a weird question. I hope its not rude of me to ask, but u r the only one I thought might have an answer!
I met someone new (through some friends), and my friends seem to think their is a connection. I agree that he might be good for me but I really don't know and I don't want to do anything stupid and ruin my chances, so I want to know if you can maybe tell if their is any connection between our souls, or maybe there is something he can tell you that I should do!
"Are we meant to be together?"
While doing consultations at my home in Jerusalem, you told my mother that you saw a guide—a Rebbe—that "follows and guides" me. Are there any details you can share with me about that spirit? is it a soul of a guy? girl? alive? name? I'll be happy to hear from you any info or details, And so is my girlfriend - pressuring me to ask if she and I have a deep soul connection...
AT in Jerusalem
If I Could Change the Past
My dog passed away last thurday night and it's been among, if not the most painful experience in my life. She was the glue that held my little world together, and looking back I know how I could have saved her "now." Part of dealing with grief is acceptance, which I have not been able to do as of yet, perhaps in time, but sometimes there are just things you never get over. I came across your site, in particular a page about going back and changing ones past...