Louise always enjoys return engagements at Seattle's East-West Bookshop and plans to return to inspiring Inner Alchemy in West Seattle as well.
It's always a good time at East-West Bookshop in Seattle — fun presentation (with 'minis') and workshop, and the staff are wonderful to work with!
Louise enjoyed presenting at this new venue in Chicago. Check out the video "Straight From the Horse's HS" at Media to watch her relay a message from a participant's horse!
This is one of Louise's favorite venues in Irvine, CA. They're a very savvy, spiritually awakened group — who are also very early risers (yawn).
Louise spoke to this group about how to write from a more authentic place in oneself.
This was a new bookstore venue for Louise. The audience was filled with some very multi-sensory folks!
Louise presented at Bagua Bookstore in Miami, the week of the Haiti earthquake.
Louise was invited to Hemet, CA by Virginia, an apprentice who is a very intuitive, multi-sensory gal.
Louise was joined with Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD in presenting to this gathering of women in Idaho.
Tustin Unity Church is another favorite venue of Louise's, always drawing a receptive and appreciative crowd.
Many clients will remember coming to see Louise at Glenn's lovely home in Alexandria.