Last night, I was driving home from getting a few fixings for Christmas dinner. It was a cold, clear night, the town glistening and fresh from an afternoon shower. As I came around a curve, I caught a magnificent view of the city's lights, colorfully staged for the holidays.
The view reminded me of another beautiful vista I once loved, up in the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California. The first lookout was only a few minutes drive up the sixty-six mile Angeles Crest Highway, overlooking my hometown of La Cañada. On a clear day, you could see all the way to LA and the Pacific Ocean.
The lookout was a favorite place for lovers to park and ‘make out.’ I used to like to go there and stand at the edge, contemplating, that “— right now, at this very moment, at least 100 people out there are probably going into their kitchens for a glass of water..." (or might be doing...whatever…). I suppose my appeal for this kind of musing came from an ongoing fascination with the ‘macro’ view of life, our soul’s ability to gaze out at the bigger picture from our teenie-tiny, little-self’s micro perspective.
Last evening I had the same feeling of expansiveness, perhaps omnipotence, as I took in the view of the town's city lights. I remembered from my TM (Transcendental Meditation) training years ago, learning about a study from UCLA that explored the effects of meditation on large populations. The results showed a significant decrease in the crime rate in cities heavily populated by meditators. It reminded me of the effect we all have on the whole.
Then an idea came to me — CALL IN THE ANGELS! The very moment I entertained that singular thought, I felt their golden sparkly presence surrounding me.(They’re SO ‘at the ready’ for our beckoning call!) I asked them to join with me in sending out love into the hearts of the villagers, particularly during the holidays when so many feel loneliness or despair from all they believe is missing from their lives — or because of loved ones they're truly missing. I asked that every single soul feel the infusion of our love, prompting them, in turn, to open to greater acceptance and understanding of others, and to embrace kindness for those whom they (and I, as well) might judge.
I received an immediate, unmistakable ‘thumbs-up’ from my friends in the angelic realm. Know that they are truly there for you, waiting for your call.
Peace and joy be with you, in your hearts, through the holiday and in the New Year!