For 2013 — I hereby joyfully resolve to:
- Live more fully in the moment, so as not to miss all the magic happening here!
- Think thoughts and speak words of loving kindness about (and to) others every day. Practice the Golden Rule.
- Reach out to another in some spontaneous way — every day.
- Pay it forward whenever I get the chance, without a second thought!
- Give thanks — morning, noon and night — for all my many blessings!
- Look to my Inner Wisdom to guide my choices. It always knows the right decision and brings me back into the flow!
- Trust the perfect flow! It knows which direction to take me...
- Live my dreams — as if they’re already a done deal!
- Pray that we all make wise choices and continue to move in the direction of what we’ve come here to do.
- Apologize for myself NO MORE! (Occupy my space on Planet Earth — FULLY!)
- Dream BIG in 2013!
And so it is...