Louise's Current Message

In these challenging times, it is crucial to stay focused amidst so many distractions. Stay in the present and don't obsess about the future. Continue to make wise personal choices for yourself (to avoid headaches and dark circles from too much Hagan Daas—see Fearless Future). Get out of your own way (and your head) by surrendering to the Source. Pay attention to the moments when you’re coming from fear (“I’ll stay and keep watch on the front porch with a shotgun”) or logic (“I rode out the last storm, I can do it again”), rather than intuition (“No wonder I was nudged to do a big clean out and just happened to bring my important documents up from the basement...”) And while you're at it...

lighten your load and clear the clutter!

And please remember that each one's signals will be customized according to his/her own Divine plan. It might become necessary to focus on exerting conscious effort to break away from the herd to do the right thing for yourself and others. Practice following your personal Magellan/GPS (Global Positioning—guidance—system). Step out of fear by switching into the feeling of gratitude.