While in the states, I observed a bit of breath holding regarding...
...the current economy, though appointments continue to be well-booked with the occasional waiting list. As a way of responding to this contracting apprehension—while refusing to buy into a consensus reality of immobilizing caution and gloom—I'm making a new version of phone consultations available in an effort to support a positive, unified exhale; ideally, may it result in a demonstration of our ability to shift personal reality with a mere reframing of perception.
Upon completion of my most recent Spring US tour, I'd like to present some observations concerning clients—old and new—with whom I've consulted, as well as audiences to whom I've presented, in order to:
1) report back from the future, having viewed some common themes as seen through clients' eyes in specific future moments
2) give an overview of "awakening" at large
3) present perhaps a slightly more global perspective re. creating a fearless future in an uncertain present
Now, My Observations:
In Individual Consultations:
I viewed plenty of wonderful future moments in consultations with clients in the US, amidst—and in spite of—all that is going on "out there." These positive "sneak previews" belong to clients who are being conscious and decisive in their awakening process; to those who are observing and processing personal issues that arise, yes, frequently triggered by the current turmoil and angst their/our outer world. Future moments revealed more than one client meeting a healthy partner, holding a rewarding job and resolving unfinished business with greater integrity. I "hung out" with more than one set of parents in the future, where they are raising "remembering" children in safe homes, EVEN IN THESE TIMES.
I also found myself confirming (and applauding!) the many clients who are making more conscious choices in the day-to-day moments of their personal and professional lives; intentional choices towards greater growth and understanding in relationships, deliberate choices involving addictions, and choices that are transforming repeating patterns from the past.
A reoccurring challenge presenting itself with several clients, however, is an awareness that something continues to sabotage their personal and professional lives; something that is hard to define: an inability to be "fully present." These clients have heard a variety of feedback from family, friends and colleagues, ranging from, "You're not with me..." "You go somewhere else..." "You're not paying attention..." "You're too distracted, or else, simply not interested..." to "I'm unable to share special moments with you," or "It takes too much energy to be with/around you..." These clients know that it's a gremlin to be dealt with, a stumbling block that is clearly getting in the way of clearer communication and more intimate relationships.
I have to say, first off, that we are all being challenged in these times, to maintain a greater focus in the midst of countless distractions: high-pitched news reports, technological conveniences (use and maintenance thereof), and a faster pace that has most of us "multi-tasking" up the wazoo! [I used to believe that multi-tasking was creative genius. Now I admit that it's often a factor of stress, resulting from trying to fit too much intention into too little linear time and space!] The gremlin of "not occupying the premises" continues to rear its head as a resulting effect of these distractions. Other times, however, this gremlin may have a more serious cause--one that the "child back there" is anxious to address. This is when "going beyond time" can be extremely helpful.
I find there to be a cumulative effect from a particular positioning in childhoods: abuse, alcoholism, dysfunction and/or chaos have forced these clients into a "hyper-vigilant" state. This in turn has shaped them to become extremely attentive and perceptive—in some cases, obsessively observant of— everyone and everything going on around them. They now live with an ongoing struggle to find their way "home," to where deeper feelings and connections to life and to others reside.
It is extremely rewarding to work with these clients in consultations in excavating a road back to their own "true center." This opens the passageway to allow a flow of dialogue and memories sent forth—sometimes in astonishing detail!—from the child who is co-existing in the past, beyond time. I see through the child's eyes strategic moments where truths were denied and disempowering perceptions integrated. In exchange, that child receives tremendous, life-shifting validation, unconditional love and more encouragement to continue to honor his or her truth. Greater self-trust results in the present.
The really fun part comes when we pull a thread from these past vignettes through time into present circumstances. The "overlays"‹similar repeating themes appearing as if right on top of each other‹can be amazing. Finally, we extend that thread into the future, where, should the client chose to be observant of and attentive to the continuing transformation of this theme, positive future results are revealed. I take "sneak peeks" into future moments‹of relationships, living situations, and job opportunities. Occasionally we confirm the return of a reincarnating loved ones in future moments—children who often return "remembering," identifying certain familiar objects from a previous incarnation.
I demonstrate this whole process in spot "tuning-in" before large audiences and in the more comprehensive Readings in the Round.
Finally: I have to mention my amazement at how quickly so many are awakening and becoming multi-dimensional. So very many have the increasing ability to decipher ongoing communion with the Source, and to understand (and use) daily guidance from their—and two-way communication with—the Universe and the non-physical dimensions. Dy-no-mite interpretation going on!—in part, I've observed, from so many clients watching others do this work, especially those who repeatedly interpret for loved ones on the "Other Side" (mind you, it's not a place!). I feel that observing the process is actually pulling them—"entraining" them—into that transmitting/receiving frequency! People are starting to "get it!"—the way we interpret subtle images and symbols, rather than experiencing concrete evidence that the rational mind craves.
I'm witnessing this shift, as clients/audiences are evolving from the more concrete, mental ways of perceiving. They are dropping old expectations of witnessing more dense, physical evidence of the existence of life after death, as well as information that comes in from beyond time. Once "fully present" and feeling connected, they are moving out of their heads and into their hearts. This is truly exciting for me to witness. I'm fully prepared to support and assist in ushering forth a whole new wave of highly intuitive individuals who will reach far beyond my own capabilities in times ahead!
Now, for the global vision:
This work continually reveals the conscious, whole and connected nature of our greater selves. The true nature of our spirit is undiminished by physical limitations or boundaries. When I interpret for a client's friend or family member who is in a coma or afflicted with Alzheimer's, I'm relaying clear, lucid communication from the expanded state of that soul's healthy consciousness. And something rings true for my client. Similarly, I interpret, telepathically, for an infant or young child whose consciousness is in no way limited or less-knowing from inhabiting a chronologically younger body. Relatives seems to recognize that they too, have had similar kinds of communication, even if fleeting. They simply didn't know that they could trust themselves, or that this was, indeed, that which was occurring.
Similarly, our true and timeless spirit is not partitioned nor separate from differing cultures and beliefs. So, dear clients and friends, please trust that when you ache for war-torn victims, when you long to reach out to other peace-loving individuals to share a global vision, where diversity in beliefs and cultures is valued and respected, where change evolves through honest dialogue and integrity, you are connecting! When your heart reaches out with focused intention to people in foreign places, you go there! When you imagine conversations with troubled souls in tremendous strife, you are with them!
The internet is most certainly entraining us into a sense of connecting globally, beyond physical boundaries. The nature of our spirits is not confined to physicality, locality, or time. Soon (if not already!) you will be trusting you own mulit-sensory communication frequency. More efficient than a dial-up connection, it is your ability to connect and communicate Broadband, through the ethers! You have only to identify and trust this ability to travel (and heal yourself) beyond time, and to transmit and receive beyond physical boundaries, time and (the illusion of) death. Folks, it's happening!
I believe that increased awareness of our spirit's intrinsic nature and capabilities, operating beyond all illusion and learned perceptions, is forming a new Coalition of Humanity.
I welcome your thoughts on any of the above.
Provocative ideas and questions will be posted on the Q&A section of the website, until separate pages, "Transcending Linear Time" and "Transcending the Illusion of Death" (with responsive moderators), "Report Back From the Future"‹and more, will be available with the new "dynamic" website.
Free "mini" consultations will also be available on the new website through the Illuminations Apprenticeship Program.
Developments on these improvements and additions, as well as expansion and proper launching of the "Louise Goes Live" webcast will be announced before my US Fall Tour '03.
Don't miss the information re. the September Baltic Cruise, where Louise will be presenting, at http://www.dreamtimejourneys.com/the_baltic_us.html.
Much love