Willie Mays and Precognitive Dreaming

I hope you watched the recent interview with Willie Mays, the baseball legend, on Charlie Rose(link is external). What a sweet, thoughtful guy. It's wonderful that he out there on a book tour, spreading the secret to his success:

He always watched out for his teammates (and others), believing that there's truly enough to go around. Whenever he heard racial slurs yelled from the crowd, he hit the ball harder—usually out of the park. But here's the really cool part: Willie Mays used to dream many of his amazing plays in detail, the night before. The next day in the game, he knew exactly what was coming—and what to do. What a guy.

In one review of a U.S. case collection on precognition submitted to Duke University's Parapsychology Laboratory, 75% of 1777 dream-based experiences were of an ostensibly precognitive type, as were 60% of 1513 wakeful experiences.