2011: Becoming An Integrated Soul — Living Intentionally and Intuitively

Some souls find themselves on a spiritual path because they're seekers by nature, always determined to get to the bottom of things. Others are pulled instinctively to make their way through the fog of illusion and reach beyond "consensus reality" to discover what's true — and what isn't. Out in the clearing, there's clarity. We see life through an entirely new lens. We have a new focus; we frame things differently in life. This shifts perceptions, and that changes lives. Life becomes a whole new ballgame.

Louise shows audiences how to move from intellectualizing metaphysical information (and espousing spiritual homilies) to becoming a more integrated soul. She discusses the importance of gathering insights gained from self-observation, skimming new truths off the top, then putting that wisdom into action on a daily basis. This is how we become an "integrated soul." Louise offers ways to get "out of your head and into your heart, allowing Divinely inspired, highly intuitive information to flow into your life. She shows how we tend to get out of alignment, and how to get "back in the beam— where we can experience the magic!

Louise is a "time traveling" clairvoyant, intuitive spiritual counselor who views beyond the physical dimension where all time exists simultaneously. She shows how it's possible to change the past — and shift the present and future. She also gives evidence of the never-ending "continuum of consciousness," relaying messages from loved ones on the Other Side* and from the Higher Selves of physical beings not in attendance. (This type of telepathic exchange often includes communication with a loved one in a coma or suffering from an affliction such as stroke or Alzheimer's, as well as "pre-birth communication").

*When pre-arranged by producers and program coordinators, Louise does "spot" readings in audiences as a way of taking participants behind the scenes to show how she utilizes her gifts-of-the-spirit—that others might better trust their own!

Louise will be conducting a few workshops on this tour, teaching skills and demonstrating techniques to show participants how to live with greater intention and yield to their greater mutli-dimensional/multi-sensory selves.

They will learn how to:

* Receive clearer guidance, increase (serendipitous) synchronicities and cosmic winks!
* Gain a new understanding of "heaven,"déja vu, precognition, time travel (heal the past and
experience a better future), alignment, manifestation.
* Shift old misperceptions that result from living life in this "time/space continuum."
* Blend with the physical and non-physical dimensions (where loved ones reside).
* Transcend time: crunch it, override it, go beyond it, and create future "portals."
* Fast-forward through the commercials; the tedious and mundane regarding life-in-the-physical.

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Louise is the author of Beyond Boundaries, the Adventure of a Seer, Heart-Links and Fearless Future.
Visit Illuminations at: www.louisehauck.com