September 12, 2001

Thank you to all who have tried to call or email me. I have yet to call out or use my usual email. Earthlink cables were housed in the Trade Center, and all Manhattan users are attempting, with futility, to share one access number.

I am so grateful for your love and concern. Have no fear. I am fine, attempting to integrate surreal images of Tuesday's disaster into my daily reality.

I try to avoid glances out my window toward the Twin Towers. I now realize how effectively they anchored me at the start of every day. When I do look, reality hits, and I feel sick. I obsess about little things when my psyche cannot wrap itself around the reality of the big thing.

I watched people jump from the second tower from my rooftop just before it fell. It’s so true how indelible the images remain when viewed in person. I sobbed as I felt (and watched) a herd of souls catapult from their bodies just before the building collapsed. I continued to send the message, "GO TO THE LIGHT!" I sensed that one soul shepherded them to the Light with tremendous focus. His name was David.

I stood in line to give blood but they were inundated and ran out of plastic bags. Unfortunately, too few people have been found to use generous donations. I'm praying to be shown how my gifts might be used to help, mindful of the necessity to respect and support others through the crucial grieving process and not rush in too quickly. I long to assure those left behind that their loved ones still exist—that death is an illusion.

I live on 13th Street, one block south of 14th, the boundary that separates the eerie silence to the south from stores to the north. Today, those shops and restaurants attempted to resume some semblance of business as usual. Traffic on those streets was halted sporadically for National Guard trucks, police-escorted Metro buses—used to carry medical personnel and rescue workers—and screaming ambulances, fire engines, and police cars.

We’re in tune with each other’s feelings when standing in any crosswalk on 6th Avenue, The Avenue of the Americas, looking south. The Twin Towers were our compass that directed us north and south. Yesterday, I stood in the middle of the vacant intersection at 6th and 13th beside an elderly woman who dropped her bag of groceries on the street, freeing both hands to cover her face as she wept at the sight.

Unconsolable grief overcomes many of us at unexpected times, overriding distracting thoughts with powerful emotions. It happened to me today while waiting for the overcrowded 'F train, one of the few still operating. A young man from Japan sat on a crate, playing Oh Danny Boy on his "erhuir," an odd-looking stringed instrument. All who sat on the bench with me, to my right and left, cried without embarrassment. A burly man who waited near the tracks wiped his eyes with his dirty sleeve.

One of the most heartbreaking stories I heard on the news last night was from a rescuer at 'ground zero.' He reported that a Latino man had grabbed her, crying that his brother had reached him on his cell phone. He was trapped in the rubble and aware that rescuers were trying to get him. His cell phone was cut off, and Verizon Phone Company was able to beam a signal to his phone.

The woman and the man's brother waited until enough rubble was cleared to allow them to approach the location of the renewed signal. Suddenly, the rescuer heard the three horn blasts that warned of an imminent building collapse. Two blasts indicated a building already falling. She ran for her life and never found the man whom she'd accompanied to the site that day, just before it was buried deep in the rubble.

We are energy and beam telepathic signals to each other constantly, beyond time and the illusion of death. I knew that my telepathic signal did reach those who left their bodies at the moment of the collapse of the second tower. Prayers and thoughts reach the thousands who have died in the last few days, as well as those who remain.

In Beyond Boundaries, I related the story of a consultation I did for a client years ago, a woman who is an FBI agent. In her session, I viewed the projection of a soul and relayed the image of this man with a white beard and blue shirt carrying a folder under his arm. He transmitted to my client, "Your thoughts helped us know where to go."

My client knew the identity of this man. She said he was a scientist from Cal Tech in Pasadena, CA., on a flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco. He was to deliver a paper at a University in the Bay Area. A disgruntled airline employee took control of the plane, forcing a nose-dive into the ground in San Luis Obispo. She said she'd heard the alert about the incident on her car radio and knew immediately that she would be called to the scene.

She remembered that as she searched through all the rubble at the site, she contemplated all the souls who must be going to the Light. She was astonished to learn that those thoughts guided many of them to the Light.

Amazingly, my daughter could call me from Jerusalem, where she lives. In that tumultuous country, she has found tremendous joy and serenity. Her conversion to Judaism and marriage into the Hasidic community are the subject of an upcoming book, Tamed By A Wild Child. She said Joseph, her kind and loving husband, had been worrying about me all day. “What can we do for her?” he asked repeatedly.

Finally, he approached my daughter and announced (in Yiddish), "I have decided that we shall invite your mother to come stay with us for as long as she wishes. She can be here where she is safe and loved." I asked her to please thank Joseph for his kindness.

I laughed and said, "I now have a most generous invitation to come stay in the most dangerous country in the world — 'for my safety.'"

"I know, Mom," my daughter replied, "there are many terrorist acts committed here on a regular basis. But Hashem (God) watches over us. More people were killed in one day in New York City, than in years in Israel."

Maybe she has a point. Today, I heard that a more significant number of people have died here than those who perished at Pearl Harbor and on the Titanic — combined.

I have decided to dedicate my Fridays—my writing day—to consult for those who have lost loved ones in this disaster at half price. Please leave a message at the Illuminations number—or email us—if you know of a victim's friend or relative who is being challenged by this disaster and for whom a consultation might assist in their spiritual awakening. I will respond through individual consultations or in small groups, similar to the "Reading in the Round" format.

I've seen contracting fear transform into expanding love and hope when clients receive confirmation regarding deeply personal (or fleeting) moments in that past that give evidence of their intimate connection to the Source.

I've also seen people’s lives change when they receive proof that death is, indeed, an illusion. I've seen countless numbers of people awaken to their spiritual paths with the loss of loved ones.

As always, I ask and will continue to be shown how to serve. And you will be shown. So don't hesitate to ask. Please send your thoughts and prayers to all these souls—the grieving friends and families, and to all those who are going 'home.'

One more thing:
Before forwarding any more Hallmark Card-like platitudes, please ask yourself where and how the horror of this tragedy is affecting you personally. What is it stirring up? What is a particular feeling—fear, anxiety, anger, sadness—triggering in you? When have you felt this before? Where does that thread take you?

Only by accessing and processing our emotions about this—by reaching deeper within ourselves—can we get to the root of our own personal darkness, all that we've returned to heal and evolve from. This is the only way to avoid the reflexive reactions of judgment, hatred, bigotry, and vengeance. Those emotions are often our projections (or should I say—projectiles?) into our world and onto others, residue from our unprocessed baggage.

Indeed, we have returned to this physical dimension to unpack our fears, misbeliefs, and misperceptions regarding our separation from the Source. Let us take this opportunity to sort through all that has held us back—all that has delayed our soul's journey—and take another look at the untruths we have carried to our graves.

When we follow those revealing threads, then the healing can begin. Fear can transform into love, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding. Only then do we become the receivers of unconditional love, divine insights, and inspiration.