Higher-Self Telepathic Communication

Alternate topics:
Soul-to-Soul Telepathic Communication

Suggested Subtopics:
Transmitting From the Heart — The Functionality of Telepathy and Communication with the Higher Self
Soul-to-Soul Telepathic Communication with Those Suffering from Dementia (— or with Those Who Are Unable to Communicate Verbally)

Louise Hauck is a ‘time-traveling’ intuitive spiritual counselor. For over thirty years she has presented to audiences and consulted for clients internationally. She views beyond the physical dimension where time and consciousness exist simultaneously, and is able to ‘merge’ with the consciousness of her clients, their loved ones (and their pets), and travel forward and backward in time to see the past, reframe the present, and view possible future moments.

One of the most rewarding aspects of Louise’s work involves serving as an interpreter for those who are unable to communicate verbally. She is eager to show others how this is possible, by —

Sharing recent experiences involving telepathic communication with those suffering from dementia, autism, stroke, coma —those who are unable verbally. Caregivers report a decrease in frustration and belligerent or aggressive behavior following ‘remote’ sessions with Louise, after allowing them to communicate (telepathically) their frustrations and fears, preferences and attachments. There’s always a calming effect when one feels they’ve been heard.

Demonstrating the way she communicates—remotely—with the ‘higher consciousness’ of those in the care of presentation attendees and workshop participants. [This is the highlighted feature of Louise's presentation when offered exclusively for caregivers.]

Louise P. Hauck - Futurist and Intuitive - author of: Beyond Boundaries; Heart-Links; Fearless Future; and Streaming Consciousness. Her work has been endorsed by Gary Zukav (Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul), Peter Russell (Global Brain, From Science to God), and Dr.Larry Dossey, (Recovering the Soul, Space, Time and Medicine).

Workshop: Communicating Telepathically with the Higher Self of Others

Suggested Subtopics:
Accessing Your Own Connectivity
Going from Head to Heart To Access Your Own Connectivity

Join Louise Hauck in this workshop to learn how to 'go from head to heart' and communicate with the higher self of others, and access highly intuitive, multi-dimensional information for yourself and others!

Louise enjoys showing others how to increase their own personal connectivity. She will share recent findings involving remote viewing (transmitting images telepathically), time travel, soul-to-soul telepathic communication, and connecting with loved ones — those challenged with the effects of dementia, autism, coma, stroke — and those residing in the non-physical dimension. While demonstrating her own gift of 'sight', she will position you to receive highly intuitive information. You'll learn to expand and utilize your own natural abilities in ways that empower and improve your life.

Louise will take you through exercises to help you —

  • Out-smart the doubting, rational mind
  • Shift from logical decision-making to intuitive ‘reception’
  • Receive, 'de-code' and translate intuited, multidimensional information in this 3rd dimensional, time/space-oriented reality.
  • Learn Higher Self communication for mediation and conflict resolution.