2012 Schedule

April 28

First-Ever Saturday Drop-In!

Eight people get the opportunity to hang out with Louise online, using state-of-the-art Adobe Connect technology. Each participant asks Louise one question, her responses will usually be relevant and enlightening to everyone involved. Here's information about the Saturday Drop-In. We plan to conduct these monthly.


Chicago, IL

Presentation: Thurs/May 10th — Equilibrium, Energy + Education Presentation(link is external): "Occupy Expanded Consciousness" and "tuning-in."
Workshop: Sat/May 12 —"Occupying the Premises of Your Intuitive Self"
Consultations in the Old Town area - May 11-14


New York, NY

Louise will be doing consultations in NYC at TRS Professional Suites at 44 East 32nd Street.


Holyoke, MA

Consultations in the Holyoke area - May 25-28


Saturday Drop-In

You and 7 others will journey with Louise through Streaming Consciousness. She'll show you how to gain a clearer understanding of multi-dimensionality. What it is? How does it work? Observe first-hand what it's like to go beyond linear time, merge with another's consciousness, and communicate with one's Higher Self. Louise will answer your question in a way that's relevant and enlightening to all participants.

Fill out the contact form and choose Saturday Drop-In from the category pull-down menu.


Earth Mysteries Interview

Louise will be the guest on Haines Ely's long-running Earth Mysteries show on community radio station KVMR-FM, Monday June 11, 2012 from Noon-1PM Pacific Time. She'll be discussing the expansion in consciousness that’s occurring right now and the clues we’re getting that confirm it. Listeners within the vicinity of Nevada County and the greater metropolitan Sacramento, Calif. area can tune in via 89.5FM. Those wanting to listen online can listen via www.kvmr.org.


Workshop: "How to Increase Your Intuitive Bandwidth"

Louise will be presenting this workshop(link is external) at Lewis and Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho.


Interview on "Coast-to-Coast"

Louise will be interviewed on Coast-to-Coast by George Noory from 10pm to midnight. Here's where you can find your local station(link is external).


IAS Launch!

We're thrilled to announce the Launch of the Intuition Advancement Series!(IAS).
6 weekly classes running from July 18 through August 22, 2012.
For more information (anything not included on the IAS page): Fill out the contact form and choose Intuition Advancement Series from the category pull-down menu.


Sunday IAS Open House

Come join us for the (IAS) Open House on Sunday, July 15th at 1pm/Pacific! Check there for details.


Starseed Radio Academy Interview

The hostesses are sweet and savvy gals. The interview begins with a discussion about UFOs, and then Louise is introduced. It was refreshing — an interview without commercials! Here's the recording(link is external) in its entirety, and here's the edited version that begins when Louise is introduced.


'Dark Harvest' Radio Interview

Louise enjoyed chatting with the host, Dan Morro. Here's where you'll find the recording of that interview!

Oct 16

LCSC Class: "Becoming a Powerful, Intuitive Receiver"

Join Louise in this enlightening 3-class series at LCSC(link is external) in Lewiston, ID