I met Veronica in 2012 when I was featured on the local news to announce an upcoming intuition workshop I was to present at a nearby college. I arrived early for the interview, making sure I’d be at the right location on the campus. I was amazed as I watched this stunning young gal coming up the walkway, lugging a monstrous camcorder on her petite frame. Her boss was a hefty fellow who led the way, trailing a few feet ahead of her. He began the interview with opening questions, Veronica shooting the footage, and then she and I did a walk-and-talk while he manned the camera.
Between takes, Veronica and I chatted like old friends reuniting. She was curious about my work, eager to hear more about a metaphysical perspective. A recent graduate in journalism, the unexpected breakup with her college boyfriend had left her heartbroken. Losses, disillusionment and despair often prime folks for a spiritual awakening, or at the very least, opens them to new ideas. We tend to look deeper and ask important questions when we run out of ways to make sense of life, as viewed through the lens of consensus reality. Much that we're taught to believe in, to hope for, desire and attain, becomes shallow and illusory.
Our interview went well, Veronica asking good questions and her boss allowing us time to explore provocative aspects of my work. She later showed up at my workshop, where she became an enthusiastic volunteer for my telepathy demonstration. It's an exercise called Consciousness Streaming, a way to position the participant to receive surprisingly intuitive 'hits.' By speeding up the flow of the intuited information, it's possible to outrun left-brain attempts to censor and derail the incoming impressions, those thoughts that shout at you — This is crazy! It doesn't make any sense! You just made this up!
I informed Veronica that I'd be holding certain thoughts in my head, and I’d then ask her to verbalize whatever came to her — thoughts or feelings, word or pictures, any sensations — as rapidly as she could. We began by getting ourselves in sync (on the same frequency) by taking a deep breath together. I took a moment to corral my thoughts, and then said, "GO!" I told her to start ‘jabbering’ (verbalizing) her impressions.
I’d decided to focus my thoughts on something that occurred a week before: While waiting for a handyman to arrive at my home to give me an estimate for a couple of small jobs, I ran to go put on a little lipstick. “Has it come to this?” I thought, feeling somewhat demoralized at feeling compelled to spiff up for the handyman. These are the thoughts I was holding in my head when I gave Veronica the nod to begin.
“Um,” she began, “this isn’t going to make any sense... [It never does]...I'm getting something about...LIPSTICK!...a mansion, perhaps a gala event...and the sound of shoes clicking on marble or hardwood floors! Crazy, huh?”
“Not at all!” I replied.
The ‘lipstick’ hit was pretty obvious, and Veronica certainly scored with the name I’ve dubbed my condo — the Condo Mansion. By intuiting the word ‘mansion,’ she did what we all do when the mind instantaneously attempts to conceptualize incoming data: She made her own quick association with the word 'mansion, an interpretation having to do with a ‘gala affair’ which, in her mind, is likely to occur at such a place.
Veronica came to my home a short time later for a private consultation. I greeted her at the door, and then escorted her across my hardwood floor to the living room couch. “THERE!” she exclaimed, pointing to my clogs — "THE SOUND OF SHOES CLICKING ON HARDWOOD FLOORS!” She and I now refer to those highly intuitive, spontaneous hits, as ‘having a lipstick moment!’
Veronica has since gone on to bigger things, at present employed as a reporter at a television network in a larger city. We chat now and then, catching up on the latest events in each other's lives.