

I took this photo from my rooftop in Manhattan the morning of 9/11. It was incredibly surreal to witness, as I watched so many souls go to the ✨Light✨ that day. Here's what I journaled in the days following that fateful event.



Here's MY spin on Joseph Campbell's wise words:

If you're looking TOO FAR down the path before you may mislead you!

Clients often implore me to look WAAAY down the road into their future.

An apprentice recently asked how I'm able "to just 'go there" — the way I 'flip the switch' at the start of consultations and become the receiver of vast, multidimensional, multilayered, and timeless and information, once I've initiated that first deep breath with the client, and begin my invocation.

The expediency with which I receive the intuited impressions has evolved over time, and I suspect there's a cumulative effect from having done this for over 30 years. Maybe it's similar to the way long-time meditators can 'transcend' and sidestep the chattering' monkey mind' so quickly.


I just went to see THE AVENGERS: ENDGAME. I enjoyed watching the superheroes attempt a ‘TIME HEIST!’

One review says it well, in my opinion:

“Of course, there are specific rules to follow when it comes to time travel, and Endgame abides by most of them. The biggest and most important rule is that The Avengers aren't supposed to re-write the past: they're only setting out to create a different future."



Some of you have witnessed a curious phenomenon that occurs following presentations when I go out into the audience and do 'minis.' It has to do with the way very specific information I pull in for one attendee can fit precisely and intricately for more than one person — and sometimes for as many as three or four others!

Last night during my 'C2C AM' chat with George Noory, a listener called in to ask about her dogs. I 'merged' — and then described the 'transmissions' I received from her pets.

This morning a C2C listener sent this email:


Here are the details for my interview on 'C2C' this week!

Travel Video

Lousie was on the road again, conduting fun 'RIR's and meeting wonderful new people and clients!


A fun and enlightening time was had by all! Louise tuned-in and described attendees' unique intuitive strengths and relayed positive progressions likely to unfold in 2019. (A few non-physical loved ones also chimed in to add to add their two cents!)


The start of each New Year is a great time to reflect on the past, gain new insights to help you move forward into 2019 in wonderful new ways, and open yourself to new adventures and personal growth.

On January 12th, Louise will be hosting a virtual version of 'spot minis' — a group gathering, and a virtual version of those she conducts, randomly, during her presentations. For those of you unfamiliar with spot minis, hold onto your hats! Information flows from Streaming Consciousness that will often pertain to several people at the same time (in different ways).


Last June I posted on my Illuminations Facebook page a reply to a follower who asked how I handle today’s strife. I listed a couple of my survival tools and included a fun story.

It took place one morning when I requested a demonstration, a 'wink' from the angelic or elemental realm — by the end of the day — one that would confirm that they’re in my corner, the way (I often confirm) they’re so present in my clients’ lives. Their response unfolded in a surprising way a few hours later.


Read about a wonderfully useful tool the help you through these challenging times in the latest Illuminations eNewsletter!


She was on the road again! (— and hopes of to reschedule VA Beach engagements in the Spring ~ thanks, Hurricane 'Flo!')

Presentations Image

Louise always enjoys return engagements at Seattle's East-West Bookshop and plans to return to inspiring Inner Alchemy in West Seattle as well.

RIRs Image

Fun time with 'RIR's in Columbus, OH, Eugene, OR and Seattle, WA. Louise interpreted for loved ones in the 'non-physical,' and for the higher self of newborns, partners, pets, and those challenged with the effects of dementia.'


Here's where you'll find Louise this Fall— and helpful hints for surviving these challenging times!


You may have read the fun stories I posted a while back about adorable Roxy, and Maria Maggi’s Silken Windhound — well…

Here’s another one from Pete, an exceptionally intuitive apprentice. He recently shared with me his account of a ‘visitation’ he experienced from his dog, Rusty, who passed in 2009 at the age of 17.


I recently received an email from a dear, immensely talented, nymph-like, ✨Divinely inspired✨ friend, which I posted, along with my reply, on the Illuminations Facebook page.

She wrote:

Dear Louise,
How are you faring in these troubled scary times? What are you doing to stir up courage and love? It is a challenge to be here on this earth plane right now. Sending you lots of love dear friend—connecting with those dear to me is part of my survival plan.
My reply:


Quantum physics principles are often way over my head, but I like to explore ideas that relate fo my work, particularly those involving 'time-travel.'

Here's an interesting principle:

RETROCAUSALITY means that, when an experimenter chooses the measurement setting with which to measure a particle, that decision can influence the properties of that particle (or another particle) in the past, even before the experimenter made their choice. IN OTHER WORDS, A DECISION MADE IN THE PRESENT CAN INFLUENCE SOMETHING IN THE PAST."


Read about Louise's (and her Mother's) story!


I'm hearing that some clients are feeling crunched for time, given all they're needing to accomplish within a short period. I offer them a technique I've used for years, a way to move forward — in the flow!

Let's say you find yourself passing by your desk on your way to the kitchen, excited to try a new recipe, or perhaps you're heading to the workshop to continue with a project. You spot all that unfinished business taunting you — bills to pay, calls to make, whatever needs your attention — but your heart's simply not in it. It's not the time! Your spirit is pulling you elsewhere!