

In March of 1999, I was called for jury duty in Manhattan. I sat for two days in a windowless room where prospective jurors were corralled until called into various jury rooms. My name was drawn three times, and then, each time, a small herd of us were instructed to go with other jurors down long hallways to our respective jury rooms.


There’s a family I’ve consulted for over the years, conducting ‘Readings in the Round’ in their lovely bayside home, and cheering them on through the years in their spiritually focused lives, committed to making a difference in the world.

Many of us are feeling tremendous grief for the victims —and  their friends and family — in the aftermath or the recent FL condo tragedy. Seeing that some were soothed by my recent Facebook Post: a reminder that angels are on duty to welcome those victims and escort them as they transition from their physical lives, I was reminded of a story I recounted in my first book, Beyond Boundaries, the Adventures of a Seer.

Read about those 'cosmic winks!'

Reminds me of the client who knew she was receiving 'pennies from heaven' from her father.

So she said, "Ok, Dad — how 'bout sending nickels?" Then it became quarters...last we talked, she said they were up to silver dollars! Yay!

Now that folks are emerging, cautiously, from their quarantined lives, this extrovert is delighted to make her way back out into the (nearby) world with a passion for chatting up strangers, particularly those resonating on — or those about to come onto — a higher frequency of love and unity...
How I Learned About The Passing of a Dear Client and Friend

I've recently returned (after 30 yrs) for a stay at the #optimumhealthinstitute for a 'reboot!' Yay!

It's all about cleansing the body to facilitate its absorption of nature's food so it can heal 'health opportunities' for many who come here. (I'm fine.)

A fun thing happened the other day:


I've compiled some fun animal communication stories on a separate section of the website — enjoy Roxy, Romeo, and others' telepathized transmissions! Here's to Streaming Consciousness that connects us all ~ beyond time, 'death' — and to animals and critters!



This Holiday eNewsletter is a reminder of how taking a look at the past can point you toward a much brighter future!



Louise's Thanksgiving eNewsletter features her new book, I'm Still In Here! — great stories from her work with caregivers who tend to those who can't communicate. 

Every year on 9/11, I post this link to a personal account of my experience, watching that surreal specter unfold from my rooftop in Manhattan. ( This year, I couldn't bear to repost the images, when our minds are so full of those showing the ravages of firestorms overtaking the West Coast.

A student from my earliest classes in SoCA and a dear friend recently reminded me that in the late 1980s/ early 1990s, I reported 'seeing' future CA wildfires. 

I seriously don't remember this. I guess I ought to ask my past-self, what else my future-self knows! ?

I typically do not receive ominous, forbidding, or future disaster impressions in consultations  — EXCEPT — when I consult for my client who works for FEMA.

Now and then, I post one of my favorite angel stories, a reminder that messengers from the angelic realm are wonderfully attentive and responsive — they truly have our backs! ( That particular account tells how an angelic messenger signaled me while I sat, waiting to receive the client’s call and begin his phone consultation. Well — THERE’S A SEQUEL — to ‘Monitoring the Perimeter!’

Louise shares in the latest eNewsletter some ideas about how to make a difference!


It seems as though the veil between the physical and non-physical is getting thinner, if not coming down altogether! Loved ones feel as though they're right there in the (virtual) room when they participate in consultations and transmit messages to my clients. Recently, a (non-physical) father literally ran the whole show!

The Dad confirmed knowing that my client thinks of him whenever she feeds her fish (he'd given her the fish tank) and applauded the recent award for her art, pointing to it on her wall and drawing my attention to 'the certificate' nearby. 


This effect is a fascinating phenomenon. It reminds me (on a much smaller scale) of the way I encourage clients to 'zoom out' for an expanded perspective on things by viewing the larger landscape of their lives. AND THIS — reminds me of the dear gal who took the amazing photo of ✨'Tink.'✨? 'Inky' has an incredible sense of AWE about nearly everything in life!


Carl's mother contacted me for periodic phone consultations with her son during his prison incarceration. He was serving seven years for two counts of a DUI causing death, the incident in question having occurred when he was in college. I followed the prescribed protocol and would wait for the call come in. The pre-recorded announcement was the same each time — the call was originating from a prison; it would be monitored; it would disconnect in 20 minute intervals, and then I’d get another callback.

I always wonder why I get so teary when I witness space launches. It also does it to me when I watch YouTube ‘flash mob’ videos — folks coming together to surprise unsuspecting bystanders with cleverly choreographed performances in shopping malls, village courtyards, airports — and who knows where else they’ll show up? (These days, however, they’ll most likely be wearing protective masks ?).

Louise offers heartfelt suggestions to help you through this challenging time in her latest eNewsletter!
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This year's Thanskgiving eNewletter shows you how to embrace and move through difficult challenges — and even feel gratitude for having been challenged!